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Munster, IN 46321
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This site provides a variety of current and historical weather data from a weather station located on the west bank of Hart Ditch in Munster, IN

Hart Ditch was created by a man named Aaron Hart in the mid to late 1800s. Here is a site that tells his story and the creation of the ditch.

Hart Ditch water flow data can be found on this site. Site updated 10/09

NEW! 4/25/2010 The National Weather Service has added a gauge linked to the Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service to monitor live data of Hart Ditch to assist in flood watches.

Please navigate using the links to the left for a couple of different looks of the current conditions, and graphs of daily, weekly, monthy, or yearly data provided by a Davis Vantage Pro 2 weather station positioned near Hart Ditch.

Hart Ditch Cams Images updates every 5 seconds. Click the image to see live video and control the camera.




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